Clear Paint Protection | Clear bra installation
Phone: 602 - 367 - 4361 [email protected]
1217 W. Hatcher Rd. #19 Phx., Az. 85021
PPF - Clear bra installations - Clear paint protection film
AZSunstop is a local Clear bra and Window tinting company with over twenty years in the north valley. We choose self-healing SunTek PPF clear bra films because their products are designed for our harsh Az climate and the quality of their products are top notch. Supporting local businesses is important and SunTek is very close to home so they are our films of choice.
5 year Self-healing top coated PPF Link to SunTek paint protection films.
10 year Self-healing top coated Ultra PPF Link to SunTek paint protection films.
PPF Clear bra can last many years if taken care of correctly starting with hand washing the vehicle or at minimum a low impact car wash. Using a high quality clear spray wax at every wash will build a thin hydrophobic layer which will aid in resisting bug stains and helps to bead or remove water reducing the chance of hard water stains. I have no connection to the YouTube video listed, but watching this may help with understanding how to car for your new Clear bra the best way possible.
Caring for your Clear bra - YouTube video link below
"How to Properly Maintain your Clear bra"
- Retain investment value at trade in
- Protect paint from road debris
- UV protection for paint wherever applied
- Increase the gloss of any applied surface
- SunTek PPF ( Paint Protection Film ) is a self-healing technology ( link to Youtube video about the self-healing tech. )
- 5 and 10 year manufacturer warranty films available in case of yellowing, cracking, peeling, and overall film failure
- 5 year shop warranty against workmanship errors. ( mistakes happen )
- Truecut software and Roland cutter or custom bulk install
- We specialize in custom installs which there are no patterns available for
- Applications include but not limited to
→ Rv's, ATV's, Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, and anything you feel the paint deserves to be protected.